Episode 131 – Volcanoes

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When molten rock finds a path to Earth’s surface, the result can include lava seeps, gas leaks, explosions of ash, the reshaping of landscapes, the alteration of the climate, the elimination of ecosystems, and perhaps even in certain cases, widespread extinction. This episode, we talk (at length) about the geological and biological impacts of Volcanoes.

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Episode 122 – Plate Tectonics

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The Earth is in motion beneath our feet, and this motion impacts nearly every feature and activity on the planet’s surface. And yet, we’ve only recently come to understand this central geological phenomenon. This episode, we discuss the scientific history and the deep history of Plate Tectonics.

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Episode 113 – Paleoclimate

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Life on Earth is directly impacted by the climate, and the climate changes over time in response to the activities of tectonic plates, ocean currents, biological communities, and of course, even humans. The geologic record of our planet is an archive of data on the causes and effects of changing climates. This episode, we discuss Paleoclimate.

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Episode 112 – Caves

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Subterranean passages and chambers within the crust of the Earth form unique environments, often carved out over thousands of years, which create homes for rare and bizarre groups of organisms and provide valuable fossil resources. This episode, we discuss the geology, biology, and paleontology of Caves.

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